- A A(S)
- Acid
- Actinic
- Alignment
- Alignment Mark
- Alkali
- Ammoniacal
- Angstrom
- Anode
- Aperture Masks
- Aqua Regia
- Array
- Artwork
- Artwork Master
- Background
- Backlighting
- Bake
- Base Material
- Baumé
- Bend Lines
- Blank
- Blister
- Border Area
- Border Data
- Buckles
- Bulls Eye
- Burn-In
- Burr
- Camber
- Camera Reduction
- Candela
- Cans
- Cathode
- Characteristic Curve
- Chatter
- Chemical Blanking
- Chemical Machining
- Chemical Milling
- Chemical Reversal
- Chinch Mark
- Chlorine Regeneration
- Chrome on Glass
- Clean Room
- Cleanliness Classes
- Coat
- Coil Set
- Collimated Light
- Compensation
- Composition
- Contact Printing
- Contrast
- Conversion Coating
- Coordinatograph
- Copy Camera
- Cosine Law
- Covers (Lids)
- Crease
- Cross-Bow
- Curl
- Cut And Strip
- Datum
- Datum Plane
- Datum Point
- Defect
- Definition
- Densitometer
- Density (D)
- Dent
- Develop
- Diazo
- Digitizing
- Dip Coating
- Direct Imaging
- Dropout
- Dry
- Dry Film Resist
- Edge Waves
- Electroetching
- Electroforming
- Embedded Particle
- Emulsion
- Emulsion Hardening
- Emulsion Side
- Encoder
- Engineering Drawing
- Etch Allowance
- Etch Band Design
- Etch Factor
- Etchant
- Etched Blank
- Etching
- Evaporation Mask
- Exothermic Reaction
- Exposure (E)
- Eyebrow
- Ferric Chloride
- Fiducial
- Filemaster
- Film
- Film Sandwich
- Fleck
- Flood Light
- Fluidics
- Fog
- Foot-Candle
- Fret
- Functional Pattern
- Glass Sandwich
- Gobos
- Graticule
- Halogen
- Hardening
- Hepa Filter
- Hydrometer
- Image
- Inclusions
- Infrared
- Intaglio
- Inverse Square Law
- Isotropic Etching
- Key
- Labyrinth Screening Can
- Laminating Resist
- Lamination
- Lamination, Surface
- Laser
- Laser Direct Imaging (LDI)
- Laser Plotter
- Lateral Reversal
- Layout
- Lead Frame
- Legend
- Lids
- Liga
- Light
- Light Source, Broad
- Light Source, Collimated
- Light Source, Point
- Liquid Resist
- Logo
- Loop (Loupe)
- Lumen
- Luminance (Or Brightness)
- Luminous Energy
- Luminous Flux
- Lux
- Marking
- Mask, Metal On Glass
- Master Drawing
- Metal Hardening
- Micron
- Mil
- Mirror Image Photo-Tool
- Misalignment
- Molecular Dye Imaging Materials
- Mouse Bites
- Multilevel
- Nanometer
- Nanotechnology
- Negative
- Negative-Working Resist
- Newton's Ring
- Notch
- Off-Contact
- Oil-Canning
- Opacity
- Opaque
- Optical Density
- Orientation
- Orp
- Orthochromatic
- Overlay
- Panchromatic
- Pattern
- Pattern Area
- Perpendicularity
- PH
- Photo Chemical Machining
- Photo Chemical Machining Institute
- Photo Electro Forming (PEF)
- Photoetching
- Photofabrication
- Photofugitive
- Photographic Fog
- Photographic Layer
- Photographic Operations
- Photographic Plate
- Photographic Reduction Dimensions
- Photogravure
- Photolithography
- Photomask
- Photomask Registration
- Photomaster
- Photometry
- Photomilling
- Photoplotting
- Photopolymer
- Photoresist
- Photoresist Hardening
- Photoresist Integrity
- Photoresist, Negative
- Photoresist, Positive
- Phototool
- Phototooling
- Phototooling Aids
- Phototooling Process
- Phototropic
- Pickle Stain
- Pinhole
- Pins
- Pit
- Point Light Source
- Positive
- Positive-Working Resist
- Power of Source
- Printed Circuit Board
- Process Camera
- Radiance
- Radiant Energy
- Radiant Flux
- Radiant Intensity
- Radiometry
- Ramjets
- Reciprocity Failure
- Reciprocity Law
- Redox
- Reduction
- Reduction Marks
- Register Marks
- Registration
- Registration Pins
- Resist
- Resolution Usable
- Resolving Power
- Reversal Development
- Right Reading
- Right Reading Down
- Right Reading Up
- Rotational Error
- Runout
- Safelight
- Sandwich
- Scratch
- Screening Cans
- Scribecoat
- Scuff
- Selective Etch
- Serif
- SG
- Sheet
- Shielding Cans
- Silver Halide
- Smut
- Spectral Sensitivity
- Spin Coating
- Spur
- Stencils
- Step-and-Repeat
- Step-Etch
- Step-Pef
- Step Wedge
- Straight Walling
- Stringers
- Stripping
- Substrate
- Suspension Head Assembly
- Tabs or Tags
- Test Pattern
- Thou
- Tone
- Tooling
- Tooling Pins (Holes)
- Touch-Up
- Transparency (T)
- Trapezoidal Etch
- Twaddell
- Twist
- Ulpa Filter
- Ultraviolet
- Undercutting
- UV
- Void
- Wrong Reading
- X Axis
- Xenon
- Y Axis
- Yellow Room
- Z Axis
- Zahn Cup